Week five was awhile ago, so this will be a quick update. This is a picture of a bike path we could take for part of the ride between Fairbury ne and Hickman NE. It was an option that we were glad we took. It was a bit gravelly, but rideable, and smooth. And the best part, there was no traffic. Not many of us did the path, as most are afraid of a little gravel.
Here Joyce is picking Mulberrys for a snack on the trail.
This is a view of the sunset from our tent door, at the oasis bible camp.
This is day two. We are almost in Iowa. This is Louis and Clarke discovery Center. John had cycled to meet us and joined us for the ride back. The discovery Center was quite nice.
I thought this picture of te Louis and Clarke discovery Center was a lot like what we have to do every night.
This is just after crossing the Missouri River.
This is a beautiful state park, near Sidney Iowa.
A beautiful sunset looking over the valley, towards the Missouri River
It was an almost uneventful night in the park, until a tree branch broke and fell on Bill's tent. I actually heard it happen, I heard the crack, and then Bill yelled out, and then it was quiet. I just went back to sleep. In the morning we heard the rest of the story.
Here is Bill leading the way between Sidney and Diagonal Iowa. The main theme of this week is hills, one after the other, up and down, and quite often very steep grade. It turned out to be a very difficult week, because of the hills. We were very happy tha the weather was unseasonably cold.
A church on the way. I do not remember where exactly.
Small town of garden grove Iowa. Lots of little towns in Iowa, and some are almost ghost towns. Small town Iowa is disappearing.
Old jail. I do not think it is used much anymore
Derby Iowa. This whole street was vacant except for the post office.
Camping on a football field, in Chariton Iowa. No showers, unless you took a shuttle to the pool. We just used our portable outdoor showers, but it was cold. The next day we will be going to Pella Iowa. We will be sleeping in a dorm at Central College. It was very nice, but I was alone as Joyce was picked up by her sister Ruth, who stole her for the weekend. Joyce rejoined me in Coralville city park, on Sunday evening. She did not want to pedal the 100 miles up and down the hills between Pella and Coralville. It was a hard day, but nice to be able to go my own speed. I am quite a bit faster, without Joyce. But I should add that Joyce is getting much stronger, and faster. She still has a hard time climbing hills.
Here is a park that we road thru just before Pella. We and a bike path into Pella.
Celebration service in Pella. Joyce missed this as she was visiting her sister.
I got a nice early start. I was the first to leave Pella, on the way to breakfast at Sulley Iowa. This is a picture of a sunrise, at 06:04 Central time.
The ladies in a small church in Sulley iowa about 25 miles from Pella served us a great pancake breakfast. The idea was to go hungry between Pella and Sulley to experience a bit of what many people have to endure everyday. The big difference was that we knew we were getting a big breakfast, of all you can eat, and most starving people do not have that waiting for them. I was able to start early and was the second one in for the breakfast.
It was a tough week. The hills and sometimes the wind, made us really work. We did ride through some Amish country, and I did see a horseo and buggy on the road, but was not able to get a picture.
The corn and beans were not as good as Nebraska in my opinion, but mostly still very nice. Some fields were really bad, but not many.
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