Monday, 22 July 2013

Week 4

Had a wonderful day off at Colorado Springs, went to church at Cragmore Reformed Church. Had a good sermon and a bar b q dinner after. We went to see the Garden of the Gods, amazing large red rocks standing 300 ft in the air. There were a number of rock climbers so far up they looked like specks. After that we explored Manitou Springs, a touristy town with many art and craft type shops. They also have a number of carbonated artesian wells, according to the locals each one tastes different.
I met the new truck driver Matt Bosma, who told me he is my cousin Roger Bosma's grandson. How's that for Dutch Bingo?
We slept in the hallway of the Colorado Springs Christian School to avoid the rain storm which came and soaked those who slept outside.

Early Monday we started out for Limon CO. The weather was Cooler than we have been having. Shortly after we began it started raining, after we left Colorado Springs it became foggy, the visibility was about 50 ft. The lack of visibility worried me because the shoulder would disappear when there was a guard rail or wall by a culvert which would cause us to have to go into traffic. I quit at the next SAG. I started at the next stop but then had a flat tire which I could have changed on the road but then I still wouldn't have a matched set (I have a new tire on the back of my bike ) so I once again SAGed into camp and Harv and John Steendam put on a new tire and tube for me.
So I got a new bike tire for our anniversary. John will be driving the semi with the gear till the end of the ride.
We stayed at the Limon High School.

On Tuesday morning we weren't allowed to leave till we spoke individually with a Colorado State trooper because today's trip is partially on interstate 70. We were warned about the speed vehicles would be traveling and warned to cycle single file on the shoulder only. There were many rolling hills and we began to see dry land farming. Most of the wheat has been harvested. There was a very strong South wind and we were going East,so what we thought would be an easy down hill day turned into a day where everyone was leaning into the wind, that took away from the fun.
An amazing thing happened at our peloton meeting tonight Jake Kuipers, one of the cyclists was back from heart surgery. He started with us in LA. He is a strong cyclist. On Friday he cycled with his family, kids and grand kids. He did both Friday and Saturday rides on Friday so he could spend more time with his family. On Monday he cycled the whole trip, but was having difficulties. The support crew took note and advised our nurse who met him at the finish line. She advised him to see a doctor which he did with her assistance. He went to a local hospital, who did some tests and then sent him by helicopter to a major hospital. He had two stints put in his heart and was discharged. He was back in camp Tuesday night, talking to us. He was told he should not ride for awhile anyway. We stayed Tuesday night at the town park in Burlington CO.

Wednesday was started with a flat overnight on Harv's bike. John helped me fix it and we left by 0630 AM. It was very windy again, so Joyce is learning how to take advantage of and coast (well almost) along in my draft. I still have to work just as hard, actually harder, because I do not have to wait for Joyce anymore. We saw lots of corn fields, and wheat stubble. A harvesting crew with two John Deere combines passed us on the road, but it seems most of the wheat is harvested. Again we did not see much farming activity. The day was fairly uneventful and we knew what to expect with another day of cross wind. We ended to find our tent all set up in a prime location in the Palmer Park in Cody Kansas by our now favorite brother in-law, John, it is so nice to have green grass and large shady trees to set up camp in again. We have gone through 3 states so far,California, Arizona and Colorado.
We are on duty today to help with clean up and serving supper and breakfast in the morning.

You've heard of the blessing "May the wind be at your back" Thursday was another windy Kansas day but it's a beautiful thing when its pushing you along. We traveled from Cody KS to Prairie Dog State Park near Norton KS it was in a more northerly direction so at times the mostly southerly wind made us feel like very strong cyclist. The grass is not as nice here but there is a lake with brown water and a muddy bottom to cool off in and showers at the other side of the camp to clean up in.
Tomorrow is going to be another 100 mile day. I hope the wind is in our favour again.

We did the 100 mile ride to Red Cloud NE. It was fairly uneventful, except for a small crash, amongst a few riders. One ziqqed, when she should have zagged and wheels connected and one fell and then another, and two girls were slightly injured. This is what happens when you rose close together to get out of the wind. The wind was not too bad, mostly in our favour. It was a very long day. John found a bike and came to meet us. When we got back to camp, everyone was soaked as they had a huge rain storm. John had our tent all set up so we had everything nice and dry. We missed the rain all together. Sometimes it helps to be slow, and have a nice brother in law setting up your tent.

Saturday was another hard day. Just 77 miles, but lots of up and down, and a bad head wind most of the way. We had some rain, some got soaked, but again we missed most of it. The park we stayed in was beautiful, except for the train that goes by every 15 minutes or so, blowing the horn, constantly, all the way through town. We had church in the United Presbyterian Church. They provided us with a most wonderful meal after.

Tomorrow should be an easy day. Just 50 miles. We will be in Pella Iowa, on Friday. All is well, My butt is a bit sore, tired, but we are ready for another week.

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